Essentials for Learning Skills


Essentials for Learning Skills

Elizabeth B. Hurlock has mentioned the following essentials for Learning Skills in ‘Child Growth and Development' (1978).

  • Readiness to learn-This is shown when the child has real interest in the activity and when the baby's efforts bring improvement.
  • A strong desire to learn-Without this, the child will not put forth the effort needed for learning.
  • Encouragement-Interest begins to drop when the newness of a task wears off and when learning becomes hard. Thus, the child’s desire to learn must be kept alive by encouragement.
  • Chances to practice -To learn a skill, it must be done over and over. Many chances to practice will strengthen these coordinated movements.
  • A good model-"Practice makes man perfect" only when the practice is a copy of a good model.
  • Practice until the skill is well learned-How long this practice will have to go on depends on how hard the skill is. When the skill can be done without thinking, there probably has been enough practice.
  • Guidance in copying the model-children need someone to guide their movements and to help them copy a model until they get the "feel" of the right movements. Then guidance can be relaxed.
  • Supervision of practice- Close supervision is needed to make sure that children do not repeat mistakes. This supervision is most important during the early stages of learning.
  • Few distractions- In the early stages of learning a skill, learners must give undivided attention to what they are doing. Anything that distracts them slows down the learning and leads to errors.
Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2011, 10:37 AM