Points to be considered in preparing stimulation material for infants


Module- 7 & 8: Planning, Implementing and Evaluation of Stimulation Programme for Infants (7-12 months)

Points to be considered in preparing stimulation material for infants

  • The material should be appropriate to the age of the children.
  • The material used should be attractive in colour with edges rounded.
  • As the child grows older the requirement will change, hence the material has to be modified to suit his/her needs.
  • The material must serve many purposes, cone toy for various areas and stages of stimulation.
  • The material should not be too costly and easy to replace.
  • There is no hard and fast rule to produce similar material. One can incorporate modifications by using material creatively.

Procedure :

  1. Ex.1: Motor development (7-12 months)

    Title: Musical rolling pin

  2. Ex.2: Social & language development (7-12 months)

    Title: Sponge toy

  3. Ex.3: Cognitive development (7-12 months)

    Title: Picture card
Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 12:02 PM