Execution of stimulation programme for social development


Module- 7 & 8: Planning, Implementing and Evaluation of Stimulation Programme for Infants (7-12 months)

Execution of stimulation programme for social development

Introduction: By six months of age, most babies are rapidly becoming more and more involved in social interaction. Babies at this age begin to show much more interest in the people around them.Infants start to use non-verbal communication in order to interact with people. Babies are also really excited to get more attention from people around.

On the other side, they cry by seeing new people and restless when they are separated from their parents. To handle this problem you have to give them stimulation that will encourage them to build social-interact with others through non verbal communication.


There are many things parents can do to encourage socialization:

  1. Expose to different ages. Parents can expose their children to a variety of people of different ages, from babies to elderly people.

  2. Allow to play with peer group: Let them playing with the other same-age baby, because they very interest to see them. They will have a look at and learn the other baby’s movement.

  3. Play social games. Parents can play social games such as pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo with their babies.

  4. Look at reflections. Parents can show their babies their reflections in a mirror (make sure it is a safe, metal baby mirror and not a glass one).

  5. Laugh with them. Parents can giggle, squeal and laugh with their babies.

  6. Tickle them. Parents can gently tickle their babies.

  7. Be positive. Parents should set a good example. They should approach situations with optimism to teach their children to be positive.

  8. Show approval. Parents can reinforce their babies' social behaviors by showing approval.

  9. Expose them to new situations. Parents should expose their babies to a variety of social situations.

  10. Talk with someone else while holding your baby. This activity will make them learn about the importance of language in order to build social interaction with people

  11. Give more compliments. A verbal compliment and support from you are very worth for baby. Those things are able to increase baby’s self confidence and also able to make them to not easily saying ‘no’.
Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 12:07 PM