Students must evaluate the planned stimulation programme in terms of
Activities planned, material developed and execution of the programme.
In terms of activities planned, they must look at whether the activities are suitable for the age, developmental level, needs and interest of the selected infant. Whether the planned activities are easy to follow.
In terms of evaluation of stimulation materials prepared, students must look for whether the material is attractive, colorful, durable, safe and easy to prepare, operate, store, replace, multiply and to carry etc. The students should use the prepared material on the child and discuss the strengths and weakness of the stimulation aid and give suggestions if any.
Evaluation can be done by self, peer group, parents and the teachers. They should also consider the children’s response towards stimulation material prepared.
With regard to execution/ implementation of the stimulation programme student has to record of how the planned activities are received by child, whether they are interesting to the child, requested for repetitions or problems encountered during execution etc.
Write a brief paragraph on the experiences of the students while carrying out the stimulation programme.