Picture card
Module- 7 & 8: Planning, Implementing and Evaluation of Stimulation Programme for Infants (7-12 months)
Picture card
Materials required: Card Board, Pictures, Glue, Scissors.
- These cards can be made from ordinary cardboard either from sweet boxes or from the covers of books.
- Cut the cardboard into square pieces.
- Cut pictures of any objects or fruit and paste on each and every card.
- Picture cards can be used for fine motor stimulation (Complete thumb opposition).
- Picture cards help in language development as the child identifies the pictures and repeats them.
- Cognitive stimulation as the child learns to arrange the cards and also comprehend the pictures.
- Increases the colour concept of the child.
- Use of different textured materials to improve tactile sensation.
Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 12:05 PM