Ministry of Social and Women's Welfare

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 16 &17 : Nutritional Services for Children

Ministry of Social and Women's Welfare

  1. Special Nutrition Programme (SNP):
    The scheme started in 1970-71 as a central scheme, the main objective is to counteract the serious adverse effects on growing children caused by malnutrition is early life. The scheme also provides supplementary nutrition to children in the age group of 0-6 years and expectant and nursing mothers in urban slums, tribal and rural areas for 300 days In a year and is administered by the states since the fifth plan as a part of Minimum Needs Programme through a network of feeding centres manned by an organizer and helper each. A provision of approximately 200 calories and 8-10 gm of good quality proteins including milk to infants upto one year of age. Provision of approximately 300 calories and 12 gms of good quality proteins to children in the age group of 1-3 yrs and It provides for 300/500 calories and 10/20 grams of protein daily to children and mothers, respectively.
    The food items include skimmed milk powder cereal pulse preparation, vitamin A and D capsules, malnutrition tablets. Fortified bread and bun provided by Models Bakeries. The scheme is being implemented in urban and rural areas through scale government. Financial assistance is also available to the voluntary child welfare agencies through the central welfare board.

  2. Integrated Child Development Serivces (ICDS):
    This scheme, started in 1974-75, provides for the following package of services for children up to six years and nursing and expectant mothers: immunization, health check-up, referral services, supplementary nutrition, informal pre-school education and nutrition and health education with a view to bring down morbidity and mortality through proper and efficient integration of the services with the anganwadi as the focal point.

  3. Nutrition Feeding Programme in Balwadis:
    Balwadi nutrition programme (BNP) started in 1978-71 aspires to meet the very basic nutritional requirement of a child in the age group of 3-5 years in balwadis and day care centres and operates on a non-plan (100%) grant given by the Ministry to the five all India organizations viz.,Central Social Welfare Board, Indin Council of Child welfare, Harijan Sevak Sangh, Bharatiya Adimijati Sevak Sangh and Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust. It provides for 300 calories and 10 grams of protein per day for 270 days in a year. Apart from the nutrition supplement, the balwadis offer a healthy environment, looking after the social and emotional needs of children. This is an non-expanding programme and is being continued only in areas not covered by ICWS centres.

  4. Goitre Control Programme:
    The iodized salt is provided for pregnant and lactating mothers to avoid the deficiency of iodine and its effects. Health and nutrition education is given to use iodized salt in every home.
Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 7:13 AM