Definitions of personality

Personality Development 2(1+1)

Lesson 1 : Introduction to Personality Development

Definitions of personality

Psychologists define personality in different ways. Some of the important definitions are as follows

  1. Eysenck – personality is the more or less stable and enduring organization of a person’s character, temperament, intellect, physique which determines his unique adjustment to his environment.
  2. Walter Mischel – personality is the distinctive patterns of behaviour including thoughts and emotions that characterize each individual’s adaptation to the situation of his or her life.
  3. Raymond Cattel- Personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation.
  4. Freud- Personality is made up of Id, Ego and Super ego- the three structures, the interaction of which determines behaviour.
Last modified: Tuesday, 13 March 2012, 9:10 AM