It provides clean water to drink and for other domestic uses. It also provides water for agriculture. Fisher folk use the aquatic ecosystems to earn a livelihood. People catch fish and crabs; they also collect edible plants. These are used locally as food or for sale in the market. Marshes and wetlands are of great economic importance for people who live on their fish, crustaceans, reeds, grasses and other produce. Agriculture and industry are highly dependent on large quantities of water. Dams are built across rivers to generate electricity.
Threats to aquatic ecosystem
Water pollution occurs from sewage and poorly managed solid waste in urban areas. Sewage leads to Eutrophication which destroys life in the water as the oxygen content is severely reduced. Fish and crustaceans can’t breathe and are killed; a foul odour is produced; natural flora and fauna is destroyed. In rural areas, excessive use of fertilizers causes an increase in nutrients – leads to eutrophication. Pesticides used in adjacent fields, chemical pollution from industry kills a large number of life-forms in aquatic eco-systems.