Standards of a placket

Lesson 10 : Neckline Finishes

Standards of a placket

A well constructed placket should have the following standards:

  1. Neat and invisible: All plackets should be flat, inconspicuous and neat. They should not be bulky, stretched or puckered. Also they should not gape open.
  2. Correct length and convenience: The length of the placket should be about 9-12” long in women’s dresses, about 7” in skirts, 4” in wrist. The placket should be placed at a convenient position so that it can be easily reached.
  3. Strong: A good placket should be strong enough to withhold the stress and strain of normal wear and tear.
  4. Correct lapping: The way the placket laps differs in men’s and women’s garments. Placket in women’s dresses lap right over left while in men’s garments they lap over from left to right.
  5. Suitable to fabric type: The placket chosen should be suitable to the garment, texture of the fabric and the position of the placket in the garment.
  6. Suitable to the wearer: The placket chosen should complement the wearer and be suitable to their age, sex and body type. Due considerations are to be given to the current fashion as well.
Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2011, 9:56 AM