

Lesson 04:Landscape Plants


Ferns for Greenery

  • Ferns, due to their refreshing greenness and delicate gracefulness of the leaves, possess immensely great antique value and exquisite beauty quiet distinct from those of other plants.

Ornamental Ferns

  • Plant size varies from tiny moss-like growths to massive tree ferns stretching sometimes 25 meters or even more.
  • Leaves are extremely variable in size and structure. Ferns are popular as decorative plants.
  • The entire fern plant is known as the saprophyte which constitutes leaves, rhizomes or stems and roots
  • As a reproductive unit, the sporophyte yield spores.
  • Many ferns are terrestrial, several are epiphytic and some are aquatic
  • The typical fern of the temperate region has an underground stem, a rhizome, which in some ferns is in a stubby compact arrangement and in others stretches out horizontally to a considerable length.
  • Numerous small, dark and divided roots stretch downward from the rhizome.
  • Leaves are the only part which are external above the ground and are called fronds.
  • No other plant group has a greater variation of leaf architecture, shape and structure.
  • The extended part of the leaf is called the blade and between the blade and the rhizome is the petiole or stalk.
  • A leaf is said to be fertile when it bears spores and many species are entirely or sometimes partially fertile.
  • Sterile leaves are generally more attractive and long lasting

Ferns as potted plants

  • Fern leaves are normally large, simple or compound.
  • Most of the ferns have compound leaves while a few like Asplenium nidus have simple undivided leaves.
  • Compound leaves are divided into many leaflets or pinnae
  • The two distinctive features of ferns are firstly, when the fern leaf first emerges from the underground stem, it is coiled up at the tip into a crosier-like formation and gradually uncoils until it has strengthened out completely. This unusual manner of growth is termed circulate venation.The crosiers differ among genera. Secondly the smaller veins exhibit a forked branching in a fern leaf which is known as dichotomous venation.
  • Ferns are propagated by spores.
  • They grow well under the shelter of a house which is protected from severe sun and hot winds.
  • Most of them enjoy bright light. They require plenty of fresh air and moderately high humidity
Last modified: Friday, 9 December 2011, 9:21 AM