Positive Home Making

Lesson 08 : Functions Of Manager

Positive Home Making

The fundamentals of Positive Homemaking are discussed here to be an efficient and effective home manager.


Have a positive attitude about your homemaking! Realize that your work at home is a sacred trust and of the utmost importance. Nearly anyone can do minimal housekeeping tasks such as laundering towels, cleaning sinks, and sweeping floors. But it takes a focused, intelligent woman to make a house a home, and to fully appreciate the opportunities homemaking provides. Homemaking is a powerful venue for ministering to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of family and friends.

You may not necessarily be the best at every aspect of homemaking, and you may not enjoy every part of it (who does?). Still, you can find fulfillment in homemaking because you know that through it you demonstrate love for your family, and their lives are better because of it.

This doesn't mean that you must single handedly complete all household tasks, especially if you are short on time. The virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31 had multiple servants and was commended for her homemaking abilities. There is no shame in hiring domestic help if circumstances and finances allow for it, or in finding faster, more efficient ways of doing housework. Teach your children from an early age to help with simple household chores and to keep their rooms tidy.


If you were not taught the specifics of caring for a home, don't despair. Some of today's most competent homemakers are self taught. They found books on good housekeeping techniques, they asked older women for advice, and they learned through trial and error. Check your library for books or magazines that address homemaking specifics. There are also numerous Internet sites that can assist with cleaning and general housekeeping issues.

The Bible says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." Develop a keen housekeeper's eye. Train yourself to notice what needs to be done. Think about what you're doing and how you can do it more efficiently. Instead of doing something a certain way simply because that's how your friends do it, create homemaking solutions that work for you and your family.


If you're feeling exhausted by the end of the week because there aren't enough hours in your day, it may be time to simplify your lifestyle. Reducing the amount of clutter in your home will quickly simplify things and add a sense of peace. It takes longer to clean a shelf with 20 knickknacks on it, than a shelf with several well chosen pieces.

Meals can also be simplified. It's fun to create elaborate meals, but they are not necessary--especially if your family is happy with simpler dishes.Simplify your expectations and desires. Make your home beautiful without knocking yourself out trying to keep up with the neighbors. A vintage lamp from the thrift store can be as attractive as an Rs.2000 lamp from an expensive lighting boutique.

Simplify household tasks. If you were taught that the only way to clean a kitchen floor is to scrub with a sponge, but you don't have time for that at this stage in your life, don't feel guilty about using a mop. You will save time but sacrifice little in the form of cleanliness.


Organization is a vital part of efficient, stress-free homemaking. Organize your things. If you can afford them, purchase sturdy plastic storage boxes with lids for items you store but don't use frequently. This is a great way to neatly store items under beds, in closets, and even in the basement or garage. Try placing a label on each one so your family will know with a glance what's in the box. Sturdy cardboard boxes also work well for storage.

Organize work and commitments. In other words, have a schedule. If you are a list maker, you probably already have a functional schedule. If you're not a list maker, you can still benefit from scheduling. Establish daily and weekly routines for your housework. This will provide peace of mind that can help you enjoy homemaking.

When implementing a schedule, it is important to maintain an attitude of flexibility. This is real life, and unexpected things occur every day. If something happens that prevents you from cleaning the house when you planned to, don't despair. It's not the end of the world. Nothing is set in stone.

Organize your priorities. Keep in mind what your most important responsibilities are, and be able to say "No" when appropriate. This may take some courage, but the more you say "No" the easier it will be.


The most vital aspect of good housekeeping is to actually do the work. All the organizing and planning in the world will only be effective if you roll up your sleeves and do what needs to be done. Attack your work! See it as a challenge and throw yourself into it. Find a system that works best for you and your family. If you are a morning person, focus on completing your most involved tasks in the morning. If you're an evening person, you may be more comfortable doing those jobs in the late afternoon. Try setting a timer and getting as much done as possible before it goes off.


Lastly, strive for balance in your life. Taking care of physical housekeeping tasks is important, but relationships are more important. Purpose to have a home for your family, not a family for your home.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 10:07 AM