
Lesson 44 : Management Of Energy Applied To Work Place Design


Three principles provide the basic directives for functional storage.

Principle 1. Store Frequently Used Items at Place of First Use
Those things that are used more often should be given priority since their availability will have a greater effect on the amount of work. Storage at place of first use generally has merits over storage at place of last use.

Principle 2. Place items so They are easy to see, reach, grasp, and replace.
This principle favors reduction of mental and physical effort, time, and dissatisfaction. Visibility and accessibility are the key factors. Feelings of better organization and greater ease of work were expressed with more functional storage.

Principle 3. Determine the Worker's Limits of Reach.
This principle is specifically directed toward keying the physical limitations of the main worker, with respect to her reach, (below figure) to the design of the storage and placement of items within it. The maximum reach up­ward helps to determine the height of the top shelf; the level must permit the worker to grasp items from the shelf, but, if the worker reaches across a surface to the shelf, the reaching height is reduced. For these reasons, the distance must be carefully determined


Last modified: Thursday, 22 March 2012, 12:51 PM