Characteristics Of Implementation

Lesson 18 : Management Process In Family Living

Characteristics Of Implementation

The function of management involves the following activities:

  • Motivating and Guiding Personnel: Homemaker has to motivate all the family members to work together to reach common family goals. It is for her to see that the ­morale of the members is high so that work is done quickly and efficiently.

  • Influencing and Shaping the Social System: Family is a smallest unit of society. Work patterns, which are developed at home, also influence the work outside home. Children learn the managerial abilities at home, which they utilize while doing every task throughout their life.

  • Understanding Followers and Securing their Cooperation: The homemaker has to understand the needs and capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, and problems of family members. This will help her in getting their cooperation in completing their assigned work and contributing in the family goals.

  • Creating Climate for Performance: A positive and happy environment conducive for working with efficiency should be created by a homemaker.

  • Directing Efforts towards Defined Objectives: A homemaker must influence family members so that they will work willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of family goals.

  • To Get Full Co-operation from the Members: This function of management is very concrete, unlike planning and organisation, as it involves working directly with every family member. Homemaker should ensure that she gets full cooperation from family members at work.

Supervision is an important aspect of the process of implementation. The home manager along with working herself, she delegates work or tasks to the family members. She has to supervise the actual performance of the work, so that it will enable her to know whether the work is progressing in the right direction. Depending upon the situation she may have to guide, explain, instruct or demonstrate the work.

Checking and Adjusting:

Checking is the examination of actions, which may be carried out by the planner or by the person or machine implementing the plan. When clothes are brought to the dry cleaner, they are checked for spots and decorations that need special attention and for other potential problems. Then they are checked afterward for appearance, for missing buttons decorations, and so on.

Transferring the responsibility of checking is widely practiced in family, financial management. Withholding from paychecks provides a way to control plans, whether the money is withheld for taxes, for united giving, for retirement, for health or automobile insurance, for stock-option plans, or for savings bonds.

Checking on a variety of factors has been reported in observations of grocery shopping. The process of selecting packages involves, "putting them down, fondling them, reading them, dropping them, picking them up and putting them back in the wrong place, etc.," and people sometimes look at weight, price, and what premiums are offered and read the fine print.

Adjusting is changing a planned standard, a sequence, or their underlying processes to increase the chances of the desired output. When there is deviation from planned behavior, as identified through checking, plans must be adjusted. If checking reveals a discrepancy between what is desired and what is being accomplished, adjusting takes place.


Facilitating is assisting the progress or flow of actions by capitalizing on individual and/or environmental potential. Plans may include facilitating actions, and facilitating may originate while the plan is being implemented. The individual potential relates to the planners themselves and the environmental potential involves other persons and things in the situation. Conditions that promote achieving the standards or sequences of plans facilitate their implementation.

Facilitating processes may be evolved in the implementing subsystem. While implementing a task, a person may intuitively see an easier way to do the task, allowing the work to flow more continuously or more smoothly.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 12:01 PM