Micro-motion Films Analysis:
Micro-motion film analysis is primarily a research technique and applies best to tasks that can be easily filmed. Motion pictures of tasks done under normal conditions make a permanent record that can be analyzed and charted to show the work of the hands or other parts of the body used in the operation. By means of a timing device, the time of each movement of the worker can be accurately recorded. It is very expensive and not useful to study household tasks.
It was for this kind of analysis that the Gilbreths developed their method of classifying fundamental hand motions into therbligs. Analysis of an activity by means of therbligs results in describing the detailed motions of both hands into 17 categories such as grasp, search, select, hold, and transport empty. A simultaneous motion chart or simo chart is a right-hand and left hand chart plotted against a time scale and made from micro-motion filming.
The cycle-graph, a photographic device, is also used to study types of motions used in performing tasks. When this is attached to some portion of the body, such as the hand when ironing is being done, it registers the pathway of light projected by a small electric bulb. The resulting record shows whether the movements are smooth and rhythmic or non-rhythmic. This is an effective way to learn how motions may be reduced and how methods of work may be improved in doing a task.
In recent years work-simplification techniques have been used by research workers in Home Economics and other fields to improve work methods in homemaking. Motion and time studies have been made of such tasks as food preparation, dishwashing, laundering and ironing, bed making, cleaning and a number of other tasks. Efficient kitchen arrangement, tools, equipment, storage facilities, and correct heights for work surfaces, chairs, and stools have also been studied.
These studies suggest many methods of simplifying homemaking tasks, which may be used or adapted by homemakers in their own homes. They show how motion and time studies may be applied to any work problem in the home. Trying out new work patterns and adjusting them to meet new situations add interest to the work. Family members are also kept on the lookout for other ways to make tasks easier, to lessen fatigue, and to make work a pleasure.
Mundel adapted the motion-picture technique to the study of larger operations for which fine analysis is not needed. He developed a drive for the motion-picture camera which can be adjusted to expose the film at 60 or 100 frames per minute instead of 960. This permits a coarser analysis of the activity than can be made by micro-motion, with a saving on film used and on time for analysis. After the motion pictures have been made with the memo-motion drive, the film can be analyzed according to the purposes of the research. This form of motion study has been used in home economics research for complex tasks such as meal preparation.