Early adulthood

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 14 : Clothing of Adults

Early adulthood

The physical appearance is similar to that of last years of adolescence; contours remain similar but attain their maximum height and variation can be seen among individuals of same age group. The female figure has fully developed bust, narrow waistline and broad hips while the male figure is wider at shoulder and narrow at hipline. The young adult female and male have following body and face type:


  1. Body type: It is an inverted triangle, with shoulder wider than hips. But one can see many variations in men figure; few falls in category of ideal figure.
  2. Face type: Wide variation is observed in facial shapes like medium oval, round, long slender, broad full and square. But cheek bones are prominent, and face is slender.


  1. Body type: There is quite a lot variation in body types of women’s on the basis of measurements of height, buts and hip; tall, regular, short, slender, average and full.
  2. Face Type: Wide variation is also observed in facial shapes like medium oval, round, long slender, broad full and square.

The other features among young adults are as follows:

  1. Normal skin; acne problem still persists among females
  2. Body weight remains constant till the beginning
Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 7:16 AM