Late adulthood

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 14 : Clothing of Adults

Late adulthood

The physical appearance starts changing at this age. The body tends to have high fat deposition rate owing to the heavy work load at job or in household and the level of physical activity is low. The physical exercises could not be continued for shortage in time and weight gain occurs commonly. The male and female body figure changes. The changes are more prominent in females due to the affects of child bearing on the hormonal balance and their life styles.

  1. body weight increases, vary from person to person
  2. body proportion changes; the facial parts thin out while abdomen and hips expand resulting in the widening of pelvic area, thickening of waistline and protruding abdomen
  3. menopause in females cause gain in weight, particularly at waist and abdomen

Other general changes observed among males and female are as follows:

  1. osteoporosis and involution of the skeleton and degeneration of cartilage tissue begins, increasing the possibility of bend in the posture
  2. skin starts to changes; it becomes somewhat dry and wrinkled, wrinkles begin to appear, particularly, on the face
  3. appearance of brown spots due atrophy of skin cells increases
  4. the hair of the head tends to become gray and thin
  5. susceptibility to bone diseases such as osteoarthritis increases which in turn reduces their physical mobility
  6. age related diseases such as hypertension and diabetes appear to cause functional losses
Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 7:16 AM