Clothing of adults

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 14 : Clothing of Adults

Clothing of adults

The clothing of the adults are thus affected by the roles they play, the status they acquire, their physical and psychological characteristics, their culture and the events specific to individuals during this period like, marriage, birth ceremony of children, etc.

  1. Early adulthood
    • wardrobe has casual, formal, occupational and clothes for different activities
    • follow fashion trends for texture, line and colour
    • for marriage expensive, particularly traditional clothes, are purchased
    • less demand of clothes since family is at beginning stage and children are young
    • since parents serve as model for their children, good appearance and proper
    • dresses are preferred to affect children’s emotional and social development and to help them in establishing good clothing
    • many a times to meet the demands of their children, often neglect their own wardrobe needs

  2. Late adulthood
    • wardrobe has casual, formal, occupational and clothes for different activities
    • follow fashion trends for texture, line and colour but to a limited extent
    • more demand of clothes since children are growing and have conflict with parents over choices for clothes; pay less attention to their own clothes
    • many a times to meet the demands of their children, often neglect their own wardrobe needs
    • household chores leave women with very less time for self grooming and clothes and the working women have little time for self but still are financially capable enough for purchase of clothes frequently for work place
    • their clothing choices get well established by this time; prefer comfortable, descent and durable articles for their wardrobe
    • men at this stage have established choices for specific fabric, line and colour and have limited garments
    • prefer well fitted and comfortable garments
    • choose clothes with quality fabrics that will flatter and move with their body
    • the people suffering from age related diseases prefer soft fabric, simple style, large openings and appropriate fasteners in their garments to be more comfortable

The male and female adults have quite distinct needs owing to difference in the activities and the roles they perform in the society at different stages in life. Hence the clothing of men and women are discussed separately as follows:

Clothing for women

Clothes for Men

Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 7:20 AM