Clothes for Men

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 14 : Clothing of Adults

Clothes for Men

The adult men presently have become clothes conscious as women owing to the emergence of known fashion brands in the market. They are often judged by their appearance also at their work place and in many other social situations. Further clothing requirements depend on the type of job or work and other activities they involve into both at home or out of home. The men need to have critical thinking and careful planning for their wardrobe planning as per their age, profession, activities and their physique.

The adult men usually do not shop for themselves and their clothes are purchased either in the company of their wives or by their wives only. Hence it is very important for women to understand the clothing requirements for men. The following points need consideration while selecting clothes for adult men.

  1. Figures types: Men always prefer clothes that bring out their masculinity. They use rugged look in clothes to express their athletic ability and physical strength. They want to dress up right for the occasion. Men are also anxious like women to conform others in terms of clothes. These days ready to wear garments of established brands are available for various types of figures in wide range. A tall, thin man can choose colour contrast in shirts and trousers, design in fabric, construction features like pleats at the trouser’s waist line, interesting pocket detail, etc. Horizontally patterned accessories like tie, scarf, etc. are also suitable. The short and thin men should choose dress of one colour, light weight tweed and single breasted suits. A man with average figure can make choice from wide range of styles. Usually the vertical lines in dress minimize the apparent width of a stout figure; rough surface and big checks in fabrics increase the apparent size of a figure. The suits of plain, subdued patterns; shirts with moderate to widespread collars and ties with average width are more suitable for tall and heavy man.

  2. The profession: All men are involved in one other work to earn for their families. Every profession creates need for specific clothes for different reasons like, performance, safety, distinction, identity, etc. Some profession has definite colour and clothing requirements for their employees. Now days all the professional colleges have the dress code because they want to prepare the students to dress up like the way they are expected to dress up when they enter in that specific profession.
  3. The men in “white collar” jobs are required to wear dignified dresses like business clothes. Such clothes are considered conservative made from firm and smooth suit fabrics in grays, dark blues or browns. The shirts are either white or dull coloured, must be clean and should have smooth surface. The ties may be bright coloured and the shoes should be of leather and well polished.

    The men in “blue collar” job work with machinery, tools, livestocks or on land etc. Their clothes must be designed as per their requirements e.g. foreman in the factory needs to wear ‘dangree ’ that allows free movement of body parts, and have special pockets for holding tools, etc. They must be made of thick, tightly woven cloth that neither snag nor tear or worn out quickly and is easy to wash. Their shoes are usually made of heavy leather with thick soles and high ankle for protection of the feet. The coal mine workers also need protective hats besides protective clothing.

  4. Dress for social gathering : Men usually wear a dark suit, white or light coloured shirt, dark coloured tie and black shoes at formal occasions. The dress code or colour code are also practiced in formal situations like army officer’s party and the person has to dress up accordingly. But now days traditional wears (kurta-pyjama or achkans) are preferred more for social gatherings like ceremonies, festivals, marriages etc. These traditional wears are available easily in the market in varied design styles, colours and fabrics.
  5. The simple design and sober coloured customary style dresses should be used by the men for visiting the religious places to express their inclination to spirituality and faith in the age old traditions.

  6. Sports wears: The men are more into jogging for their fitness as well as into professional sports. The player of a specific sport/ game needs specific clothes because there is generally a reason for the traditional features of these outfits. The men who go for walk don’t really need very special clothes, however joggers are very important for those who believes in jogging or a simple walk even.

  7. Clothes for leisure time/casual wears: The social changes like improvement in education level, income level, nuclear families, etc. have led to increase in leisure time of all the family members. This has created need for the specific garments for different leisure activities. Now days such garments are also available in the market. The traditional casual clothes for the leisure time include kurta-pyjama and it has been replaced presently by the causal clothes like T-shirt, tanks, shorts, Capri, Bermudas, lowers, etc. for adult men. Such casual clothes are available in different apparel brands are used by men even to reflect their status by having specific brand loyalty. White collared men are also allowed to wear casual dresses like t-shirt and jeans even at work once in a week as per the new trend observed in occupational dresses.
Last modified: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 8:07 AM