
Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)

Lesson 12 : Human Relations Management


According to the classical economists, there are five fundamental agents of production-Land, Labour, Capital, Enterprise and Organisation. But today a sixth factor may be added and that is ‘human relations approach’, for the successful utilization of the nation’s most valuable resource, i.e., manpower. Out industrial effectiveness depends to a considerable extent upon the physical and mental efforts and abilities of those who manage and perform the productive operations. Without human energies, skill and knowledge, natural resources are inert and of little value. Consequently, one must think in terms of people as well as output, the conservation of men as well as materials. This is commonly designated as the as the ‘human relations approach.’ As a matter of fact the urgency of time and the changed circumstances necessitate its compulsory inclusion as a factor of production.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 May 2012, 7:38 AM