Functions of lines

Lesson 3: Elements of Design: Line, Shape and Form, Space

Functions of lines

  1. To create a shape: The most frequently used type of line is that of the “outline”. A line may be curved so much that the opposite ends meet and form a circle or oval. Four lines of the same length may be touched at the ends to form a square. Decorations can be applied within these shapes.
  2. To Create a pattern: Patterns can be created with the help of lines only; they can be repeated to make a border or to make an all over pattern. Curved and straight lines, overlapping lines, parallel lines, thick and thin lines can be obtained by varying pressures on the brush in different directions.
  3. To divide space and create movement: A striped fabric in which all the lines are of the same thickness with the space between all the same (Fig.3.8 A, B) express little imaginations of the designer.


    More exciting stripes and plaids are those that have more irregularity of spacing between the line (Fig.3.9) and in the lines themselves. Irregularilly arranged diagonal lines are breaking the space into large, medium and small areas (fig.3.10).


  4. To create spatial Illusion: Space can be manipulated through the use of line. Increasing either the vertical or the horizontal aspect of line produces different spatial sensations. The eye follows the lines of the horizon more readily than the lines moving up and down. Strong vertical lines increase the apparent height but do not appreciably increase space because vertical eye movements require more physical effort. Diagonal line structures seem not only more spacious but more vital and energetic than rectangular ones.

  5. To create optical illusionThere are various ways to create optical illusion with the help of lines (Fig.3.11). Horizontal lines add apparent width to a shape and vertical lines tend to carry the eye up and down and add to the height.


    A – The vertical line tends to carry the eye up and down and lengthen the shape.
    B –
    The horizontal line broadens the shape.
    C –
    The diagonal lines tend to make the right end appear to be wider.
    D –
    The straight lines emphasize the rhythm of contour shape.
    E –
    The straight lines create the illusion of a shape standing up at the left and lying down at the right end.

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 8:05 AM