Characteristics of line

Lesson 3: Elements of Design: Line, Shape and Form, Space

Characteristics of line

  • A series of lines of different directions defines shape or pattern, triangular, round and so far (Fig.3.12).


  • Horizontal lines (Fig.3.13) placed progressively closer as they reach on horizon, to give the effect of distance.


  • Short curved lines alternately repeated in direction produce a strong dramatic effect (Fig.3.14).


  • Thick and thin lines can be combined to combine both the effects strength and uncertainty (Fig.3.15).

    Various thick and thin lines

  • Tie and dye designs can create a fuzzy line effect (Fig.3.16) that does not look monotonous.


  • A line may be continuous, unbroken or it may consist of isolated objects or points in space.
  • The hand drawn or (calligraphic line) is more informal personal and variable. It may be weak or strong, delicate or bold, stiff or fluent, wavering or firm, thick or thin, soft and blurred or sharp.
  • When something is left to the imagination the effect is more interesting than if all the details are complete. Occasionally letting a line fade out or leaving a blank space in the sketching of a line takes away the tightness or stiffness that might otherwise be expressed by means of a continuous line.
  • To be truly beautiful a line must appear to have some purpose rather than meander aimlessly all over the space.
  • Beauty in line arrangement can be achieved with a planned form of irregularity rather than with the careless irregularity due to a lack of skill or planning.
Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 8:05 AM