The Two Step Flow Model

Lesson 38 : Opinion Leadership

The Two Step Flow Model

According to this model decisions are not influenced totally by mass media alone but there needs to be a face- to – face communication. The model suggests that the new ideas flow from the mass media to an intermediary or the opinion leader and from then on to the actual client. The first step from the source of information to the opinion leader, is mainly a transfer of information where as the second step, from the opinion leaders to their followers involves the spread of influence. This two step model implies that an individual may be exposed to the new idea through mass media or other interpersonal channels and then he/she may exchange ideas about the message with leaders, neighbours and friends. This model focuses on the interface between the mass media and inter personal influence. It is at this stage that the opinion leaders come in to the picture. While mass media channels play a role in awareness and knowledge creations the interpersonal networks like those of opinion leaders are more important at persuading or convincing individuals to adopt or reject an innovation. However this two step model may not hold good for all innovations and in all situations. There could be various other influences in adoption or rejection of the innovation.

Last modified: Saturday, 28 January 2012, 7:14 AM