Diphyllobothrium latum


Subclass Cotyloda
Order Diphyllidea
Genus Diphyllobothrium
D. latum
Common name Broad fish tape worm
Host Man, dog, cat, pigs, and other fish eating mammals
Small intestine
  1. 1st I/H - Cyclops (Diaptomus gracilis – copepod crustaecean).
  2. 2nd I/H – Fresh water fish. (Pike, trout and perch)
  • Worms are medium to large in size, scolex has a narrow week, deep muscular groove known as “Bothria” (hold fast organ) situated on both dorsal and ventral side.
  • Scolex is unarmed and almond in shape.
  • Each segment contain single set of reproductive organs.
  • Genital pore and uterine pore open separately on the ventral aspect, whereas in mesocestoides, there is no separate uterine pore.
  • Ovary is bilobed. Vitelline gland and testes distributed in the lateral margin of segment.
  • In the gravid segment uterus is spiral tube in shape.

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 7:31 AM