Scope for Utilisation of Glands in India


In India proper collection and utilization of animal glands is neglected which is deplorable.

  • The establishment of such a highly beneficial industry in this country should receive national importance.
  • Considerable quantities of glandular products worth several lakhs of rupees are imported annually into India from the United States of America, the United Kingdom and other foreign countries.
  • Unprocessed glands were also imported from abroad for the preparation of glandular products in India, as the requisite facilities do not exist in the abattoirs for collection and storage of glands.
  • Utilization of glands is economically possible only in large cities such as Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Baroda, etc., where large numbers of animals are slaughtered.
  • The economical used of glands such as pituitary and pancreas could be possible only if they become available in much larger quantities than at present.
  • The throughput is enough to warrant collection, whether there is a market for glands at a price, which allows for a reasonable margin of profit then adequate equipment could be installed.
  • It is believed that, income from the sale of glands will offset the cost of building costly installation in the abattoir or permit the employment of extra slaughterer and staff perhaps, this was true at the beginning of the “gland era” but today many active principles of the glands are produced synthetically.
Last modified: Thursday, 16 September 2010, 10:37 AM