Names of important glands and their biochemicals


  • Pancreas
    • Insulin (Pharmaceutical) and other enzymes, which are used by tanneries (industry), are obtained from pancreas.
    • It is a mixed type of gland.
    • It remains attached to liver and embedded in fat.
    • Insulin is the main hormone, an antidiabetic, which is extracted from the b-cells of this gland with the help of acidified methanol.
  • One kg of fresh bovine or pig pancreas yields about 150 mg of crystalline insulin with an activity of 254 IU/mg of insulin.
  • Other biochemicals extracted from pancreas are:
    • Pancreatin – (Extract of pancreas)
    • Trypsin
    • Chymotrypsin
    • Amylase
    • Glucagon (a-cells)
  • Pancreas also contains several enzymes, which are used in the tannery or cleaner industries.
  • For this purpose, glands can be preserved for a week or so with some application of salt. These are packed in drums with a cover of salt. 
Last modified: Thursday, 16 September 2010, 10:39 AM