Supra renal, Thyroid, Pituitory Glands, etc


Supra renal or adrenal

  • This gland is of two parts – outer cortex and inner medulla.
  • Cortex of adrenal gland yields corticosteroids, which are used in the treatment of Edison’s disease, to overcome shock in surgery and as a non-specific treatment.
  • Medulla of adrenal glands yields adrenaline (epinephrine) nor-adrenaline hormones.
  • Yield of adrenaline is 0.2% on fresh weight basis and 1% on dry weight basis. It is extracted in water or alcohol.

Thyroid gland

  • These are two maroon coloured bodies situated on either side of trachea.
  • Acetone dried powder of this gland is used to extract thyroxin hormone with the help of Barium hydroxide.
  • Yield of the hormone is 0.08%.

Parathyroid gland

  • These are located near thyroid gland.
  • Parathromone is extracted from them.
  • It is used in the prevention of tetany and increase to the rate of calcium excretion.

Pituitory gland

    • It is a very small gland and has to be carefully collected.
    • From the anterior lobe the following hormones can be prepared
    • Growth hormone, FSH, LH, ACTH and MSH
    • From the posterior lobe the following hormones can be extracted
    • Oxytocin:
        • This can be extracted in 2 % acetic acid.
        • It initiates the uterine contraction and also milk-ejecting factor.
    • Vasopressin

Anterior lobe and Posterior lobe

  • Posterior lobe is an important vasoconstrictor and also an antidiuretic hormone.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 10:36 AM