Preparation of Acetone Dried Powder of Gland


    • The gland is collected within 15-20 minutes of slaughter
    • The connective tissues, blood vessels, adhering fat, etc., should be removed and immersed in 4 volumes of chilled acetone for 3 hours.
    • The glands are cut into small pieces, immersed in 3 volumes of chilled acetone for another 2-3 hours.
    • The tissue is minced in a mincer and treated with 3 volumes of chilled acetone.
    • The minced tissues are dried and ground into a fine powder.
  • The third method of preservation is by vacuum drying.
  • Even glands, which have been dried under vacuum, must reach the manufacturer quickly to avoid the fat becoming rancid which reduces the potency of the active principles.
  • Generally speaking the collection of glands is troublesome and requires skill, the preservations are difficult and the income is often low.
  • But, considering the health of the population on one hand and the need to import these principles at the cost of enormous foreign exchange, there is reason to bestow more attention on the necessity to save as much glands as possible.
Last modified: Thursday, 16 September 2010, 10:51 AM