

  • The disease caused by Candida species is known as candidiasis or moniliasis.
  • There are a number of species within the genus, most of which are saprophytic in nature.
  • Candida albicans is pathogenic which causes acute or subacute infection in mouth, pharynx, bronchi, lungs, vagina, skin and occasionally in other organs.
  • C.albicans can be isolated from the mucous membranes of normal man and a number of animals and seems to act in the presence of some predisposing factors.
  • In human infants C.albicans causes thrush, which shows typical creamy white patches scattered over the mucous membrane of mouth.
  • Other diseses in man due to C.albicans are vulvo-vaginitis, cutaneous moniliasis and bronchopulmonary moniliasis.
  • Among poultry birds, crop shows most characteristic lesions.
  • Young birds usually suffer from acute moniliasis, showing flocculent exudative inflammation of crop.
  • In chronic cases the wall of the crop becomes thickened with or without mucoid exudates.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 6:06 AM