Curing Methods


  • There are two general methods of curing with a number of modifications of each method.
    • The first method of curing is by applying salt to the surface, which is referred to as DRY CURING.
    • The second method is by using a brine solution, in which the product is immersed or the brine solution is injected in to the products with a needle. This is called as PICKLING. Pickling is achieved either by arterial brining, stitch curing, or by multiple needle injection.
  • In ARTERY PUMPING, the brine is injected in to one of the main arteries. Ham is the only product cured in this manner and even this entails the careful fabrication of ham so as to maintain the femoral artery intact. This technique, being essentially a slow process is not very suitable for high speed high volume production requirements of industries and hence is seldom employed.
  • In STITCH CURING, an injection with a single needle, provided with many openings is used to deliver the brine into the meat. The operator inserts the injection in many places in the meat to ensure uniform distribution, and hence an experienced operator becomes necessary. Further an equilibration time after injection is also required to facilitate uniform distribution of the brine.
  • In MULTIPLE NEEDLE INJECTION a syringe with multiple needles is employed to pump the cure into meat. These machines can be so configured to pump cure into bone-in as well as boneless meat. It is very effective in terms of both excellent distribution as well as high speed and hence has become very common.


  • The cure room should be maintained at 30 to 40°F.
  • At a temperature in excess of 50°F the brine will sour and the product will develop off flavour and sour around the bones.

Types of meat cured

  • Curing may be applied to all kinds of meats.
  • It is best applied to those meats with high fat content.
  • Curing therefore yields excellent results when applied to pork or fine fibred beef intermixed with fat and it is for this reason brisket and flank of beef make excellent pickled meat.
  • On the other hand lean beef, veal or mutton become dry and unpalatable as a result of pickling process.
  • For durability, dry salting is the best and for palatability pickled meat is advisable (good).
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 December 2011, 10:26 AM