Purpose of Smoking


    • Improved shelf life
    • Development of desirable organoleptic characteristics such as flavour and colour .
    • Protection of fat from oxidation.
    • Creation of newer product.
  • The smoking process aids in preservation by impregnation of the meats on the surface with chemical preservatives from smoke, by combined action of heat and these preservatives during smoking, and by the drying effect, especially on the surface.
  • Smoking and cooking, which are generally carried out together, are also involved in the development of the colour, e.g. cure meat colour, which is stabilized by heating.
  • The chief bacteriostatic and bactericidal substance in wood smoke is formaldehyde.
  • Varying amounts of heats are applied in the smoke room and the combination of heat and smoke usually causes a significant reduction in the surface bacterial population.
  • In addition, a physical barrier is provided by superficial dehydration, coagulation of protein and the absorption of resinous substances.
  • The browning or maillard reaction is responsible for the development of characteristic brown colour on the surface of smoked products.
  • It involves the reaction of the free amino groups from proteins or other nitrogenous compounds of meat with the carbonyl of smoke.
  • Since carbonyls are major components of wood smoke, they play a major role in browning during smoking of meat.
  • Smoking also is known to have a definite influence on the development of rancidity by virtue of its antioxidant activity.
  • This extends the shelf life of smoked meat products and helps to account for their desirability.
Last modified: Sunday, 10 April 2011, 10:34 AM