Cold Shortening
Cold shortening is an undesirable change associated with quick chilling
Cold shortening is noticed when pre- rigor muscles, (i.e. while the pH of muscle was still above 6.2 and Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) was still present) were subjected to a temperature of below 10°C, in which the meat is very tough of meat occurred due to extreme contraction.
Thus a pH of above 6.2 and presence of ATP is a pre-requisite for cold shortening to occur.
The phenomenon of cold shortening was first encountered in New Zealand when rapid cooling schedules for lamb freezing were first introduced.
Cold shortening can also occur with beef carcass and even in parts of the carcass, e.g. the loin, with fairly slow chilling.
Cold shortening is not an important concern in the pork or poultry industry as white muscles are less prone to cold shortening.
Cold shortening occurs due to the inability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to sequester Ca ⁺⁺ at low temperatures (0°C - 5°C) and a decreased binding ability of mitochondria to bind Ca ⁺⁺.
The inability of sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria to bind Ca ⁺⁺ results in its spillage into the sarcoplasm and cold shortening ensues much in the same fashion as Ca ⁺⁺ triggering muscle contraction.
This is not a serious problem in white muscles as they possess a rather better developed sarcoplasmic reticulum, in comparison to red muscles and possess fewer mitochondria than red muscles.
The fact that white muscles also possess greater amounts of ATP, which provides energy for re-accumulation of Ca ⁺⁺ by sarcoplasmic reticulum and lesser extent mitochondria, also ensures cold shortening does not occur in white muscles.
It can be avoided by delaying the start of chilling, e.g. for 10-12 h when the pH will be below 6.2 and the rigor will have taken place with the complete disappearance of ATP from the muscle or not chilling below 10°C in less than 10 h.
Cold shortening can also be prevented by the use of electrical stimulation, which advances the onset of rigor, tender-stretch method of suspending carcasses and by ageing.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 8:24 AM