Production of smoke
To minimize the production of carcinogenic substances, combustion temperature of 340°C appears to be reasonable.
Although combustion temperature of 400°C is desirable for maximum production of phenols, this high temperature also favours the formation of benzapyrene and other polycyclic hydrocarbons.
As soon as the smoke is generated numerous reactions and condensations occur.
Aldehydes and phenols condense to form resins, which represents about 50 per cent of the smoke components and are believed to provide most of the colour in smoked meats.
Formaldehyde appears to be the chief bactericidal substance.
After completion of smoking the meat product (Usually bacon) is chilled and the product can be labeled ready to eat under USDA inspection.
It must be maintained at an internal temperature of not less than 140°F for a period of 30 minutes.
Deposition of smoke on meat
Last modified: Sunday, 10 April 2011, 10:56 AM