

  • Check for limping, in-coordination or unsteadiness and abnormal limb placement in animals brought for check up.
  • Standing& Recumbent(Sternal or Lateral)
  • Standing:Changes in posture associated with diseases takes a variety of forms including curvature of the vertebral column. Eg. Kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, rotation of the head, abnormal position of the limbs.
  • Horses shift its weight from limb to limb in laminitis
  • Pain arching of back, praying position in pancreatitis in dogs are associated with abdominal pain
  • Obvious abduction of the elbows seen when there is pain in chest or dyspnoea( difficulty in breathing)
  • Erection and rigid ears, Stiff limb and rigid tail seen in tetanus
  • Star gazing posture seen in early pregnancy toxaemia (sheep).
  • Vestibular disease, listeriosis, coenurosis, ketosis (goat) there will be deviation of neck to one side.  

heald tilt

  • Crossing of the legs, straddling, head pushing, learning into the stanchion: Ketosis (nervous form, OPC poisoning in dogs.
  • Opisthotonus and lateral recumbency seen in hypomagnesemic tetany in calves.
  • “Dog sitting” posture with kicking at the belly seen in colic in horses.
Last modified: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 5:53 AM