

  • Respiratory muscles help in normal respiration.
  • Respiratory movements depend on both physiological and pathological status of animal.
  • In case when there is deeper breaths it may be giving a clue in diagnosis that there is increase demand for ventilation.
  • If the respiratory movements are forced or difficult then we call it as dyspnea . (Click to watch the video of dyspnea in cat)
  • If the difficulty is found after an exercise then it is called as dypnea of excertion.
  • When there dyspnea there are auxillary muscles giving hands to regular respiratory muscles, they are the scalenus and the sternocephalicus muscles
  • They work along with the muscles of nasal alae
  • In case of respiratory movements we can observe the movements of nasal alae, where in brachycephalic breeds like pug the movement is restricted
  • In brachycephalic breeds the nasal passage are narrower that they produce a loud sound with dyspnea called nasal stridor
  • In some dogs dyspnoes leads to opuffing up of cheecks and in cats there is open mouth breathing
Last modified: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 6:25 AM