Clinical signs
The most common clinical manifestation in cattle and buffaloes are recurrent tympany, complete or partial anorexia, retarded or suspended rumination and reduced milk yield. However, chronic tympany may be absent in many cases of foreign body syndrome. The reduction in milk yield is sudden in acute cases.
Stiffness of forelimbs and abducted elbows may be seen in cattle and buffaloes inorder to reduce diaphragmatic movements. Grunting is seen in bovines.
Heart rate is usually normal in buffaloes and slightly accelerated in cattle. Some animals may show distressed respiration and regurgitation in buffaloes.
Regurgitation occurs in cases of advanced cases. There are other associated symptoms also like diarrhoea, constipation, scanty pasty faeces, diarrhoea alternation with constipation, regurgitation, cough, pyrexia, brisket edema etc and many of these symptoms are seen in most of the cases along with other more consistent signs.
Clinical signs in small ruminants are almost similar. However, distension of the rumen and suspension of rumination are the only clinical signs exhibited by camels. In camels, suspension of rumination is usually the first sign of any systemic disease.
Last modified: Monday, 26 September 2011, 10:35 AM