Functional Reticulo-omasal and Pyloric Stenosis (Vagal indigestion)


Functional Reticulo-omasal and Pyloric Stenosis (Vagal indigestion)

  • The condition is also known as Hoflund’s syndrome or chronic indigestion or vagal indigestion or functional stenosis of the stomach.
  • Clincially there are two types of functional stenosis of the stomach. These include reticulo-omasal stenosis or cranial functional stenosis and pyloric stenosis or caudal functional stenosis. Usually animals suffer from either of them and rare cases suffer from both.


  • Both these conditions are characterized by impairment of the passage of food either through reticulo-omasal orifice or across pylorus.

Clinical signs

  • The loss of body condition is rapid and the animal becomes dull and listless. Mild abdominal pain or discomfort exhibited by shifting weight from one leg to another.
  • The faeces is scanty and consistency varies from normal to diarrhoetic or constipated.
  • Rumen movements are sluggish and weak. The temperature, pulse and respiration rate are usually normal and dehydration occurs only in the last stages of the disease.

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 September 2011, 5:21 AM