Abomasal displacement in bovines


  • Due to its loose attachment with greater and lesser omentum abomasum tends to be a wandering organ. It is common in animals fed on concentrates more than roughages and in dairy cows in the age group of 3 to 7 years. It is very rare in buffaloes. Left side displacement (LDA)  is common in  antepartum and right side displacement (RDA) in postpartum.


  • atony of the abomasum with accumulation of gas.
  • high concentrate ration, Volatile fatty acids and gas
  • effect of pressure  by the gravid uetrus on the rumen

Clinical signs

  • Anorexia
  • Decrease in milk production
  • Ketosis
  • Weight loss
  • Shifting type of lameness
  • Scanty faeces
  • Dehydration


  • LDA Ping sounds in 11th, 12th  , 13th  intercostal space.
  • RDA Ping sound in the cranial part of para lumbar fossa.
  • Liptak test-If  pH is 1-4, abomasal displacement  is suspected.
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 September 2011, 5:25 AM