

  • Site: 4 to 10 cm long paracostal incision invade about 2 inches behind the costal arch beginning at about 6 inches away from the mid ventral line and extending cranio dorsally.
  • The lower commisure of the incision may be extended ventro medially when found necessary to operate on the fundus.
  • Another approach is through the linea alba at the mid ventral line and the incision start about 4 cm behind xiphoid cartilage of the sternum and extend up to the umbilicus. This is a rarely used site.


  • The abdominal cavity is entered by incising the skin, abdominal muscles and parietal peritoneum. Grasp the greater curvature of the abomasum and it is pulled out through the incision.
  • The abomasum is held in position at the laparotomy wound by means of 4-6 stay sutures passed through the abomasal wall and the abdominal wall.
  • Any space left between the abomasam and the lips of the abdominal wound is packed off with moist sterile towels to prevent escape of abomasal contents into the peritoneal cavity. Incise the abomasam to a length of 6 - 10 cm  and the cavity is explored with the hand introduced through the incision.
  • In the case of bleeding abomasal ulcers, the ulcers are either dissected out or the bleeding vessels are ligated. The abomasal incision in closed by a row of connel’s sutures followed by Lemberts. The temporary stay sutures are released and the organ is deposited back into the abdominal cavity.
  • The laparotomy wound is closed in the standard pattern after cleaning and irrigation of the abdominal cavity with normal saline and antibiotic or antimicrobial solutions.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 9:04 AM