

  • The success of treatment depends on early diagnosis. Animals with tachycardia -heart rate of 100 or more per minute have poor prognosis.
  • Treatment should be directed at softening of the impacted contents with lubricants  or physical emptying of the abomasum along with correction of dehydration.
  • Oral cathartics like magnesium hydroxide or magnesium sulphate are used along with lubricants such as mineral oils and 10-15L of warm water administered directly into the rumen by probang  for 3-5 days may produce beneficial response.
  • Intravenous fluid therapy containing sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride along with glucose is important.
  • Abomasotomy may be indicated if the animal does not respond to conservative treatment.
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 September 2011, 5:37 AM