Of all the reproductive organs, the cervix play a key role in AI, as it is the external entrance to the uterus, which must be located and penetrated with the inseminating instrument.
Points to be considered before inseminating the animals
The animal should have appropriate body weight to carry the pregnancy – minimum of 250 kg in cattle heifers and 300 kg in buffalo heifers.
Animal should be in estrum.
The reproductive tract should be free of infection.
Discharge should be clear.
Congenital or hereditary anatomical defects of reproductive tract should not be there.
Animal should not be pregnant. Before performing AI rule out pregnancy.
If it is post partum animal, there should be gap of 60 days from the time of parturition.
If there was abnormal calving in previous parturition, the time gap of 90 days is preferable.
The type of semen – breed, bull no should be decided well in advance.
Insemination while standing posture is recommended.
Stress should be avoided.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:32 AM