Loading of AI gun (French straw)
By gently tapping the straws bring the air space near to laboratory seal
Place the straw in the chamber of the insemination gun. While placing the factory seal should go down and the laboratory seal should come up.
Cut the air space area of the straw by keeping the straw in upright position.
While cutting it should not be cut too close to the semen or should not be cut at angles which will lead to back flow of the semen or wastage of the semen at the time of insemination.
Fit the sterile sheath over the straw and the chamber of the inseminating gun.
Obtain perfect fit between extremity of the straw and the cone of the sheath .
The sheath should be fixed with the button of the inseminating gun.
- After placing the sheath, do not touch the tip of the sheath. Handle only the base of the sheath.
The post thaw survival of spermatozoa is poor.
For maximum reproductive efficiency thawed semen should be used immediately. So do not thaw more than one straw at one time.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 11:45 AM