Thawing french semen straw


  • Lift the neck plug of the LN2 container
  • Precool the forceps in the liquid nitrogen vapour for 5-10 seconds
  • Lift the canister from the neck and move it to its opposite edge. Now the body of the canister will come to centre
  • Lift the canister to the level of neck
  • Identify and lift the straw by forceps
  • The whole operation of lifting of canister and removal of straw should be done as fast as possible ie. with in 5-10 seconds. Otherwise immerse the canister into the liquid nitrogen.
  • Immediately after removing the semen straw give a jerk to remove the liquid nitrogen on the straw and also to avoid popping of the seal.
  • If the straw is having cracks or broken or defective seals the straw should be discarded.

Put the semen straw in a water bath of 37 degree celsius for 30 seconds .

  • While thawing the semen straw should be completely submerged in water.
  • The thawing water should be fresh and clean. The container used to hold the thawing water should also be clean.
  • Thaw the semen straw either in horizontal or vertical manner
  • After the thawing, remove the straw and wipe with cotton to remove all the water on the surface of the straw.


Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 11:45 AM