Asiatic rhinoceros and Wild ass


Asiatic rhinoceros  (Rhinoceros unicornis)

  • It is smaller than the African white rhino but is larger than the African black rhino.
  • Skin is divided into many shields by heavy folds.
  • Long boat-shaped head
  • On the flanks, shoulders and hind-quarters, the skin is studded with masses of rounded tubercles.
  • One horned animal and horn will re-grow, when lost or cut.
  • Solitary in nature.
  • Prefers swamp with grass lands.

Wild ass (Equus hemionus)

  • The coat of these equids are having the reddish grey to fawn or pale chestnut coloured coat.
  • Erect and dark mane is continued as a dark brown stripe extending along the back to the root of the tails.
  • Ventral regions are whitish in colour.
  • Single large hoof is present
  • Sturdiness and speed are remarkable in these animals
  • In-fighting occurs during breeding seasons among males.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 10:32 AM