Advantages of Dried Flowers

Advantages of Dried Flowers

  1. Eco-friendly: Dried flower market has grown exponentially as consumers became more “eco-conscious” and choose dry flower as environmentally friendly alternative to fresh flowers. These can be offered in hospitals and pollen allergic people.
  2. Economical and long lasting: It can be reused several times compared to fresh flowers.
  3. Dried flowers are available throughout the year.
  4. It can survive the heat of summer and cold of winter.
  5. Especially useful in autumn and winter when flowers are scarce and expensive. During this period fresh flower availability is less in temperate countries because of chilling temperature. Cost of production is high due to heating requirement in green houses and non-availability of open field grown flowers.
  6. More flexibility than fresh flowers. We can increase the length of flower stalk by using artificial stem. Thus creative possibilities are greater in dried flowers.
  7. Less transportation cost. Dry flowers can be transported through sea, whereas fresh flowers need quick transportation through the air, a costly affair. Fresh flowers need cold storage also.
  8. Offers wide range of suitable and striking colours.
  9. Minimizes loses occurring in fresh flower handling.
  10. Requires less maintenance.
  11. Biodegradable.
  12. A variety of products can be prepared.
  13. Tolerant to most temperature.
Last modified: Tuesday, 12 June 2012, 5:45 AM