Press drying

Press drying

  • The flowers and leaves while press drying is placed between the folds of newspaper sheets or blotting papers giving some space among flowers.
  • These sheets are kept one above the other and corrugated boards of the same size are placed in between the folded sheets so as to allow the water vapour to escape.
  • The whole bundle should be placed in a plant press for 24 hours.
  • Then it in kept is electric hot air oven for 24 hours at 40-450 C.
  • The press dried flower may be either stored in sheets at a dry place or in desiccators for future use.
  • The original shape of the materials cannot be maintained by press drying but original colour is retained.
  • The pressed flowers and foliages are used in making floral charts, greeting cards and landscapes.
Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 4:51 AM