Microwave oven drying

Microwave oven drying

  • Principle behind microwave oven drying is liberating moisture by agitating water molecules in the organic substances with the help of electronically produced microwaves.
    • Embedded flowers and foliages in silica gel contained in a non-metallic earthenware or glass ware are kept in an oven for few minutes to induce effective drying.
    • After the treatment the containers are taken out and kept at ambient temperature for a particular period, so that the moisture of the container gets evaporated and the plant material gets fully dried called as “setting time”.
    • Generally, drying period varies from 1 to 4 minutes and setting time 2 to 5 hours.
    • Microwave heating is a type of dielectric heating using high frequency waves. When a substance like water is absorbed in its free state and then micro-waved it responds by heating and vaporizing.
    Advantage of Microwave oven drying :
    • Unbelievably fast
    • Quality product
    • Costly method.
Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 4:48 AM