Discussion meetings

Lesson 9 : Group Methods

Discussion meetings

Main types:

  1. lecture forum or discussion forum.
  2. panel discussion.
  3. Symposium.
  4. Group interview.
  5. Form dialogue or public conversation.
  6. Debate discussion.
  7. Workshops.

The points under each head given here may serve as an illustration on how to prepare short notes on lessons. The teacher may demonstrate the organization, sitting procedure and conducting of such meetings by dividing the class into groups.

  1. Lecture forum or discussion forum.
    • Speaker-audience technique; where 2 or more person present talks
    • Subject is controversial
    • Speakers do not tear each others’ cases.
    • Followed by question-answer period.

Duties of chairman

  1. Tell the audience their part in the forum.
  2. Introduce the topic himself.
  3. Introduce the speakers.
  4. Supervise questions and answers.
  5. Duties of speaker (basic principles to be followed).
  6. Talk to the entire audience when answering questions.
  7. Stand up when answering the questions.
  8. Do not make personal remarks.
  9. Keep the answers to the point.
  10. Keep the answer brief.
  11. Do not try the bluff when you do not know the answer
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 9:09 AM