
Lesson 10 : Group Methods


It is essentially a long meeting some one day to several weeks involving all the delegates in which the problems being discussed are considered by delegates in small private groups. There must be a planning session where all are involved in the beginning.

  • A special type of working conference of a week or of more duration.
  • It includes lectures, individual conferences, and emphasis on working groups.
  • Work sessions arranged under the guidance of consultants.
  • Participants can work on a special problem either individually or as members of groups.
  • Mostly used for professional improvement and in-service training.
  • Success depends on having well-defined objectives and a homogeneous group vitally concerned with objectives.
  • Problems for discussion are brought in by participants.
  • Managed through a steering committee.
  • There must be summarizing and evaluation sessions at the close.
  • The workshop at the end should produce – report/publication/visual or any other material objects.

Elements of workshop:

  • Lectures by staff members.
  • Group meetings, with groups selected according to interest.
  • Individual consultation and study.
  • Informal discussion at odd times.
  • Inspirational or social events.

Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 10:21 AM