
Lesson 10 : Group Methods


Seminars are short term training programmes arranged for a few days-a day or two maximum three days. Seminars are convened to have in depth discussion on a subject from the view of various view points. In seminars these are presentation of papers by various authors related to these followed by discussions, questions and answers. Participants are participating in discussions and as a whole seminar help the trainees to broaden their knowledge and outlook. At the end of the session the participants can come out with recommendations.


This method helps participants to obtain the views, opinions, research finding etc., of them experts through the papers presented by them. Otherwise it might have taken considerable time for trainees to gather such knowledge by reading books and discussing.

Some seminars are forceful and thought provoking. It facilitates participants to change their attitudes and opinions.

In seminars, the trainees are given the opportunity of listening to the experts from different fields, but related to the issues in discussion.


Generally the audience for the seminar is too big. The individual attention as in training situation is not possible. Many seminars have just become rituals without giving much thought to the issues. As a result no purpose is achieved by convening seminars. Interactions between participants are very limited.

Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 10:24 AM