Circular letter gives an intimate personal approach to the extension message. This is an effective method to convey information of a common interest to a large number of literate people at one time by the extension agent. Circular letters are more easily and quickly prepared and also economical. These are very effective if it has a personal touch, drawing, cartoon and pictures.
Types of circular letters:
Announcements: announces about an event such as meetings, demonstrations etc. to take place. It invites people to take action.
subject matter: May be in the form of chatty and informal news story. It has facts and presented in a personalized form. It is designed to bring out changes in practice.
How to write a circular letter:
Have a definite reason for writing a circular letter
Decide on the main idea, the length, the illustration before you begin writing
Suit your salutation to your audience
Pack your opening sentence with your main idea with in readable
Keep your sentence short, fall of personal references and free from hard words
Keep your paragraphs down to 80 words
Choose your illustration carefully and execute it well
Suggested sizes and pages for information materials